Yeah John, yeah!

I know people who are gay, black, white, muslim, jew, disabled, old. I'm no
bigot. I help the weak and go out of my way to be a gentle-man.

I know what works and why - I know a woman can't do a fireman's carry of
someone over 15 stone for 200 yrds, I know that that's why you won't find
women in the marines, paras or special forces.

I know that men have an edge in track and field and there again that those
of West African decent have more fast twitch muscles, but then again over 26
miles women start edging forward again and may actually better at the men in
extreme endurance (mmmh, the future of spaceflight could be in the realm of
women - same brains for the task, less weight).

I know that more often that not, that boys are difficult to teach and get in
trouble but then they *create*. Doesn't mean girls don't it just
statistically more likely. In fact with a weak old, mutation prone Y
chromosome men are the best or worse of cases.

I know that Orientals and Jews are more likely to excel at mathematical
sciences. I don't kid myself with politically correct science; they have old
civilisations that favour gene selection for scholasticism and strong family
and community structures too.

I know that Africans do very well in school because of their strong family
structure but are now generally dumbing down when exposed to Caribbean
culture for all the bastardization and despair that group has suffered.

I know welfare and state medical care does good work but then again strong
families and communities and a healthy lifestyle would reduce the budget but
that would be perceived as 'paternalism'.

I know the personality profile of those who become CEOs and I know what eats
out the soul of those in the labour conference at Manchester who say "more
taxation! nationalise energy production! ban City bonuses, no more fat
cats!" in that they could only rise to a high position in life, without
talent, by rabble rousing.

Then again I know what makes those on the old right tick in denying
opportunity for all with ability because they want to hold on to the
hegemony or the stupid greed of the stockbroker short selling but generating
no *net* wealth. 

I don't think I'm gifted in these observations but I am brave and won't pin
my colours to any mast and respect those who don't as well.

I'd like less political parties and more independent thinkers in cabinet.
Although there is chain of command, I don't associate being educated with
being slavish.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Steck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 September 2008 16:38
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Hidden Societal Megatrend?

Men of the future?  Balls.  It seems like most men of today under 40 in the 
US.  That's why movies like '300' resonate with men so much.  We pine for 
the days when men were allowed to be men, expected to be men, and were 
admired when they were.  We can feel in our bones that we are not being true

to our natural instincts, our place in the food chain.

Not to jump in the way-back machine, rap a towel around my head, and forego 
deodorant altogether, but this is the double edged sword of the pendulum 
swing.  In our 'enlightened' well intentioned (although highly socialistic) 
efforts to equalize outcome for all without conflicts of any kind, we have 
compromised the very socioeconomic backbone of that allows the very luxury 
of that largess.  It is the harbinger of doom of every great society 
throughout history.

Remi, the talent hasn't gone.  It's been surgically removed.... at home, at 
work, in public.  To lament the outcome of our own self destructive behavior

'for the greater good' is laughable.  In a foot race for survival, how much 
sympathy should someone get who voluntarily hits themselves in the foot with

a hammer because the person next to them can't (or refuses) to run as fast? 
That is not 'enlightenment' that's mental illness.


From: "Remi Cornwall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Men of the future will be pathetic cowards, gagged, neutered, metro-sexual
> and inadequate. Then people will start saying, "What's happened, people 
> used
> to be so effective, things used to get done around here. Where's the 
> talent
> gone?" The answer:  being sued or worse.

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