I agree, Robin. The food industry has made money at our expense, at least at the expense of people who don't do their homework. But don't me started on this outrage. When trying to predict the future in order to protect myself, I ask, how many basic mistakes at every level of living can a country make and still survive? More to the point, how can a person avoid from being hit by this run-away truck?


On Sep 23, 2008, at 4:53 PM, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

In reply to Edmund Storms's message of Mon, 22 Sep 2008 12:41:44 -0600:
The obese problem will gradually go away and be replaced by the
underweight problem. I wonder how the government will handle this
The problem of obesity may not go away, because it is probably more related to eating the wrong things than to eating too much. For it to go away would require
a shift back to home cooking and away from fast food and snacks.
Even then I suspect that it would also require the banning of margarine and
Margarine (and fast food) contains "trans" fats which interfere with the energy transport mechanism of the cell, and canola is IMO the primary candidate for an explanation of tiny holes in the insulating layer of fat that the body uses for blood vessels and nerves. Natural body processes attempt to "plug" these holes with cholesterol which then gives rise to "plaques". When these plaques occur in the arteries around the heart they call it arteriosclerosis, when they occur
around nerve cells in the brain they call it Alzheimer's disease.
(All this is just my opinion, but I think worthy of further investigation).

Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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