Remi Cornwall wrote:

Jed*: If you think they give back 'their' powers then I think you are living
in cloud cuckoo land.

I said the voters took power back. Please do not distort my words. Are you under the impression that tax rates in the U.S. are still 90%? Is rationing still imposed in the UK? Is Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus is still in effect?

* In recent times: Patriot Act in UK RIPA (Regulatory and  Investigative
Powers Act - phone tapping and so forth) and many more I could find if I was
a lawyer and constitutional expert

Everyone knows there has been some backsliding in the past eight years. The voters can demand that the Patriot Act be repealed, and I expect they will. If Obama is elected you can be sure he will support revision or repeal of this act. The U.S. has imposed serious violations of civil liberties many times in the past, especially in the 1790s, after WWI and WWII, and now during the War on Terrorism. Previous laws were found unconstitutional by the courts, or they were repealed. Any law can be repealed.

Things do not always go downhill, irrevocably.

- Jed

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