Remi Cornwall wrote:

How does the liberal code of movie production run, like this?

1) Aim low then lower still. Hate you country, let the bad win, let the good
suffer. Bamboozle, perplex.

2) Incorrect standards of life will be seen as thought provoking: man
married to sister both marrying a sheep. Vegan cats. . . .

Very funny.

I would point out a few things that you seem to be missing:

1. The laws I quoted were actually on the books and enforced by the government, for decades. You seem to have the romantic notion that in the past people were free and now they are hemmed in. Did you know about the Production Codes? Did you notice that movies made before 1968 were uniform and different from ones made today? Have your read books, novels and newspapers from the past? You should. It will give you better perspective on the present.

2. I am a liberal and my family has been liberal since we came to North America sometime in the 17th or 18th century (presumable from Rothwell, England via the Isle of Wight.) We do not believe in such things and we never have. You seem to have the notion that anything you despise or find ridiculous is "liberal." This is silly.

3. The U.S. is preeminently a liberal country; the constitution and government even more than the people in a sense, because when people are shown the Bill of Rights from the Constitution they often declare these rights un-American. I was at a CNN conference in the late 1990s, when blogging and the Internet were becoming hot topics. Some mainstream journalists were aghast that "ordinary people are allowed to publish news without a license" as one of them put it.

- Jed

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