Remi Cornwall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think the democrats are shifting the blame.
> The law makers have a duty to make sure that people behave in a civilised
> manner. If you create an environment where people can panic in a crowded
> theatre

The President is the one who cried fire, not the Democrats. He alone is
responsible for administering the laws and regulatory agencies. Congress and
the Democrats have no power whatever to do these things.

> The democrats favour these hybrid corporations (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac)
> that get a blank cheque from government when it all goes wrong.

Fannie Mae was established in 1938. It worked well for 60 years under both
Democratic and Republican administrations. Capitalism thrived during this
period. There were no panics or defaults on the scale we are seeing today.
Many other government agencies such as FEMA also functioned well. The
Federal government has been rescuing cities and towns after catastrophes
since 1803, and it has NEVER botched the effort as badly as it did in
Katrina.  It was only in this administration that these organizations fell
apart. The mismanagement and incompetence of this administration is

> Now they are cynically trying to shift the blame on the free-market system

This disaster was caused by rigged markets and crony capitalism, not free
markets. Most of the debt was incurred by banks and insurance corporations,
not Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.

> They are forever talking about the character of the republicans but one
> needs to look at the character of the left: a motley crew of the
> self-loathing, anarchists, vandals, control freaks, low standards, low
> achievement, anti-patriotic scumbags.

You mean people like Thomas Jefferson, who founded the Democratic Party? I
guess you still have it for him for his Declaration dumping King George.
Maybe you despise Democrats Wilson and FDR for saving England's butt in WWI
and WWII? The French, who are not known for expressing gratitude toward
other nations, named a major avenue in Paris after FDR. But you (along with
many American right-wing fanatics) call FDR a "self-loathing anarchist,
vandal, control freak" and an "anti-patriotic scumbag."

I think you should tone down the rhetoric. Also, "anarchist control freak"
sounds like a contradiction of terms to me, but I wouldn't know, not having
met any anarchists. (My mother painted a portrait of a well-knew New Jersey
anarchist's wife in 1938 -- an old woman sitting next to a Franklin stove --
but that's the closest anyone I know has been to anarchism.)

If anyone is self-loathing, I think it is people like you and these
right-wing talk radio people such as Rush Limbaugh, who express such
ignorant and virulent hate of their fellow citizens, and people they
disagree with. As I mentioned, we liberal Democrats have been here since
colonial times, and we aren't going anywhere. So you should get used to the
notion that we will play a role in society. Try to look for our redeeming
features, and forgive us our transgressions. The Republicans and
reactionaries imagine that in the past everyone agreed with them, and that
they are the only patriots, but they are wrong.

- Jed

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