Remi Cornwall wrote:
<<They are forever talking about the character of the republicans but one
needs to look at the character of the left: a motley crew of the
self-loathing, anarchists, vandals, control freaks, low standards, low
achievement, anti-patriotic scumbags.>>

More total crap from Remi - no wonder some find some of those on the right to be not very nice people at all. As Remi's M.O. is to turn up here every year or so, vent a lot of hot air then disappear again a few weeks later in a puff of sulphurous smoke for another year or so to let his bile stocks build up again, perhaps it won't be long before he's off again. Any body else counting the minutes?

Nick Palmer

(slightly right-leaning environmentalist)

On the side of the Planet - and the people - because they're worth it

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