As a matter of fact, I do know a bit about history.  You can eventually counter 
most anyone's point
by going back in history far enough... You went back 60 years to the time of 
kamikaze pilots and the
Empire of Japan. That's older than I, but not by much!  I was speaking more in 
modern times since
that's what we're dealing with now... You can't change history, only the future.

If its simply to 'win' or provide a counter to someone's point, then fine, go 
back 60 years; doesn't
prove anything.  In my opinion, in the modern world, say the last 20 years, the 
human race HAS
progressed, and most CIVILIZED societies and religions know that the kind of 
behavior we're talking
about is morally WRONG.  You also don't change things overnight... Society and 
even religious
institutions have 'inertia'.

RE: your professor...
I'm sure it was a most honorable thing to do 60+ yrs ago, but I bet it wasn't 
his buddhist teachers
telling him that... It was more the pressure and indoctrination by the 'Empire' 
of what was the
'most honorable' thing to do. I'd argue that it was more the 'government' or 
the political
leadership that was pushing that mentality, not the religious teachers.

RE: Germany, one of the great Christian nations...
Christianity had nothing to do with that, Jed!  Many christians also burned in 
the ovens as well.
It was about an arrogant, condescending, elitest attitude wanting to create, or 
be a part of, a
superior race.  The lesson being that even a society of religious people can 
fall prey to such a
charismatic leader/ideology.  And it was primarily christians and jews that 
fought that abomination
of society, and died to make sure it didn't dominate the world.  Your comments 
to my posting are
soooo narrow-minded, or not making any attempt to see the whole picture.  It 
was also enlightened
christians that broke away from the monarchy and gave birth to what was up til 
then just a
philosophy; that of personal freedom, personal choice, personal property, 
personal responsibility,
freedom of speech... Gee, I bet we wouldn't be having this discussion if we 
lived in Iran, or North
Korea, or if Hitler would have won!

Most all major religions have engaged in despicable acts in the past... Some 
still do! Don't make
the assumption that I'm christian just because I happen to disagree with your 
or Ed's view of
things.  I see 'wrong' for what it is, regardless of race or religion.  
Although not atheist, I
think we'd all be a lot better off without any organized religion.  Is the 
world ready for that? No,
probably not at this time, thus, religion and ones spiritual beliefs should be 
kept between you and
your deity/the universe/whatever, and is no one else's biz; and most certainly 
should not be allowed
into any political arena or political discourse.

Jed also writes:
"And how about us Americans? Are you aware of what we, as a nation, did to our 
black population, and
the native Americans, and the Japanese Americans?"

I am very much aware of all that, Jed!  First off, the black population in 
Africa sold their own to
the slave trade; slave traders weren't holding a gun to their heads to do so.  
Gee, did you just
happen to leave that fact out, or was your knowledge of history lacking that 
crucial bit of
information. It was also the white, anglo race that amended their own highest 
law of the land and
outlawed that practice.  It was that christian anglo race that realized it was 
morally wrong and
took steps to change it... Thus, making the whole idea of slavery wrong to a 
nation, and I would
argue, the whole world.  And pushing the issue despite civil war and the 
possible destruction of
their own nation, they held to what they knew was right and just, and because 
of their wisdom and
resolve, we now have a country that can claim many great 
non-anglos/non-christians; even one
american, who happens to be black, who has a good chance of being president of 
this most generous
and giving nation.  Can Africa or China or Iran make any such claim?  I thought 

Re: the native americans... Yep, they got a pretty raw deal.  What I can't 
stand are people who
think that the current generation somehow owes them something.  No one alive 
today is responsible
for the decisions of the past.  It is what it is, history.  Wouldn't it have 
been just peechy keen
if we were all just created as wonderful, loving beings, and all countries and 
societies tolerant
and understanding of those that are different?  Well, hate to break it to you, 
but whoever or
whatever created this universe didn't do it that way, for some god-forsaken 
reason.  Let's just try
to learn from the mistakes and not try to use it to blame others for what's 
happening today; or to
prey on the people's sense of guilt in order to gain political power.   And for 
all those who don't
think the universe was created, this planet is evolving as it will, and no one 
today is to blame for
what happened in the past.  If you don't like it then start doing something 
constructive to bring
about change, and stop whining about it on this technical forum.

RE: the Japanese Americans... If you're referring to internment camps, war is 
ugly.  Bluntly put, if
you kick sand in the scrawny dude's face, and he gets up and beats the living 
shit outa you, tough!
You started it, you suffer the consequences if your assessment of the enemy was 
wrong.  If you don't
realize it, we were visciously attacked.  I certainly regret what happened 
because of that, but if
you were running this country at that time, you'd probably take the same 
precautions... If you
wouldn't, then I sure as hell wouldn't vote for you.  

BTW, I worked for several years with a retired Navy nurse, Floyd Ault, who was 
at Pearl Harbor that
day, and he remembers hearing the banging on the upsidedown hulls slowing dying 
off as he and many
others were frantically cutting thru the hulls with acetylene torches to save 
them... Most of the
banging stopped before they could get to them.  I bet you won't read that in 
your 'revised' history
books... Perhaps your history is a bit skewed, or dare I say manipulated, 
because certain facts have
been eliminated?  And who controls what textbooks make it into our schools?  A 
very liberal
teacher's union.

Jed finally writes:
"Really, it is incredible that anyone would say such things."
Sadly, couldn't agree more...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Colin Powell and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan

Mark Iverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gee Ed, I don't know any christians, buddists, scientologists or any 
> other belief systems that want to wipe out other belief systems;  that 
> would strap bombs on their children and handicapped, let alone 'sane' adults, 
> all in the name of
their religion/god.

You don't?!? You don't get out much, do you! You don't know much about history. 
I know a whole
nation of Buddhists who strapped their 18-year-old kids into flying bomb -- 
Mitsubishi Zero Fighter
-- and killed thousands and thousands of Americans. I lived with a professor 
who at age 16 and 17
was training every day and committed to a suicide kamikaze attack.

Have you heard about Germany? One of the great Christian nations, the 
birthplace of some of the
finest Western scientists, authors, musicians and philosophers who ever lived. 
It descended into the
most unspeakable barbarism ever recorded, only 60 years ago.

And how about us Americans? Are you aware of what we, as a nation, did to our 
black population, and
the native Americans, and the Japanese Americans?

Really, it is incredible that anyone would say such things.

- Jed

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