>From Richard

> I noticed that Colin didn't dwell on the oldest running war in
> history that started way back in Canaan's day, next to 1800 BC with Ismael..
> then to Edom.. to Herod ( Esau's kinfolk)  and a slight jump to Muhammed
> in AD600. Or as the song goes.. "the beat goes on" with Sonny and Cher.
> Colin can skip around the issue just as NATO does in Bosnia.. but.. until
> this war ends..I have a difficult time reconciling watching some innocent
> woman jumping out of the world trade center on fire, with Colin playing
> Rodney King' song " can't we just all be friends" and .paving the road to
> hell with fond intentions. These people have their religious mandate to
> kill us. You try separating the good muslims from the bad ones because
> I can't see the difference.
> Richard

With apologies to the atheists in this group...

I showed your response to my wife. She thought about it for a second
and then made the following remark: One can usually tell the good
Christians from the bad Christians by the one's who are trying to take
rights away from others.

As someone once said: Let he/she who is free from guilt cast the first stone.

PS: I hope my money is still good at the Dime Saloon.

Steven Vincewnt Johnson

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