Jed Rothwell wrote:

Terry Blanton wrote:

Considering that the mass release of hydrinos into the environment is
totally unknown, it's my bet that you will see hot fusion before you
see a hydrino powered generator go online.

I do not think this will be a problem. Most scientists claim that hydrinos do not exist. Therefore they cannot be released into the environment. So there can be no environmental issue.

A similar situation arose in the early days of cold fusion. Melvin Miles observed excess heat and began looking for tritium. The safety officer at China Lake became concerned and want to close down the experiment because it might be dangerous. Miles and showed him papers & editorials from Nature and elsewhere claiming that cold fusion does not exist and convinced him that since it does not exist it cannot be a safety threat.

This is the only incident I am aware of in which the opponents of cold fusion were helpful and served a useful purpose, albeit inadvertently.

Alice in Bureaucratland

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