Nick Palmer wrote:

Thomas sent me notification of this show but I do live on the other side of

I'm pleased that you got a sample of our talk radio. I'm disappointed with your reaction to it. BTW, I read Vicky Pope's article, then I wrote a letter to Dr. Pope and Dennis Prager to see if we can get her on the program.

that Rush Limbaugh is a "shock jock" but this show was like listening to a
broadcast of Josef Goebbels's inspired Nazi propaganda.

We conservatives question Liberal Orthodoxy, of which Scientific Orthodoxy is an example. You've heard of Parksie's antics. Jed and Ed agree with me on this when their ox, LENR, is being gored.

The main stream media includes newspapers, glossy magazines, T V and most radio programs. The New York Slimes (Times) and Newsweak, (week) are a newspaper and a glossy magazine, both of which follow the aforementioned orthodoxy. These rags are but two examples of of the liberals almost total control of the American media. They control the alphabet channels, (commercial TV) and the People's Broadcasting Service. Most radio, particularly National People's Radio. The only media which gives the conservative viewpoint is talk radio. The Liberal's solution to this is the Unfairness (Fairness) Doctrine, which is going to shut it down. This is an example of Orwellian Language, the twisting of words to mean what they want them to mean, not to confused with their dictionary definition. This Orwellian twisting is the linguistic equivalent of charality, the new meaning is a toxic mirror image of the original meaning.

The Liberals have applied this nonsense to our Constitution too. Their interpretation of it is called a living document, as opposed to originalist interpretation. This in an effort to enforce their orthodoxy, (abridge our Constitutional Rights) by taking away our freedom of speech.

You may enjoy equating Prager's show with Goebbels's but it is quite Orwellian of you to do so. Dennis regularly has liberal academics on as guests, and allows them to make their case, for their idiotic ideas. This is not the case with the garbage media which toes the Liberal party line. As for insanity, it's clear to us that Liberalism is a form of mental illness. It is a set of ideas which has failed every time that it has been tried. It ignores physical reality. Like the fact that Radical Islam intends to take over the government and impose Sharia Law. Like economic laws, the government can't spend the country rich. Now the Porkulus (economic stimulus) package could work in theory, but it never has worked in practice.

They promote a G-dless paradigm. Jed's reaction (liberation of the mind) to Darwinian theory is an example of this. If I were to assert that a wristwatch resulted as a result of random processes, he would never accept that. However, the essence of Darwinian ideas is that living organisms resulted from random chance. This despite the fact that the living organism is surrounded, permeated and controlled by an energy field that the biophysicists don't understand. The living organism is also mechanically rather complex, the cell has been compared in complexity to the island of Manhattan. While we have managed to manipulate various biological processes, that it's the same as understanding them. Best of all, it fixes itself. IMHO, this is the informational equivalent of reversing the second law of thermodynamics.

This mechanical complexity reminders me of a new word in my vocabulary, charality. Chemical molecules come in pairs, mirror images or racemates, which differ around centers of asymmetry. There are double bonds around which the molecule can't rotate. One of the racemates work in biological systems, the other doesn't.

We do not have any shows like this over here, although we do have "Jerry Springer vs.
Trailer trash" type shows.

The Liberals delight in cultural degeneration, of which Springer is not only a classic example, but a celebration. Conservative Talk is banned in Europe of course. They aren't going to allow comments which deviate from the party line, which is why distorters (reporters) have to be licensed by the government.

This is a technique that rhetoricians such as Bastardi use to snow under the
other side with a blizzard of assertions, strawmen, red herrings,

That depends on how you look at it. The primary driver of atmospheric temperature is the Sun. It was producing more energy during the period of maximum sun spot activity. Now, it is at minimum and the planet is cooling off, AFAIK, this has been a record cold winter. Faced with the cold hard facts, these people changed the name from global warming to climate change.

As for atmospheric pollution, it's clear to us that volcanoes contribute way more pollution that all human activities. The bottom line is that you want to take the weather predictions seriously; (remake the economic system) of people who can't forecast the weather beyond 10 days with any level of accuracy, when they make predictions 100 years in the future.

Then you have Algore who profited to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars from his carbon credits trading program. He's still flying around in his private jet and living in a mansion, or two, however. His agenda is not profit however, it's power. It's clear to me that these people represent an oligarchy, which has an agenda of a one world government.

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