----- Original Message -----
From: OrionWorks <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:30 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Climate Change

> Hi Thomas,
> <Sunday's service>
> I believe in Intelligent Design.
> Consider the possibility that ID has done a fantastic job of designing
> Evolution in such an unfathomable way that we have only just begun to
> scratch the Cosmic Wisdom behind its purpose.
> Unfortunately, as we learn more about what drives the checks and
> balances introduced into evolution's blue print it seems to have
> unhinged so many individuals that many feel compelled to dumb it down
> into the guise of spiritual paradigms and easily digestible moral
> tales where humans are often conveniently placed the center of
> evolution's ultimate purpose.
> Perhaps G-d's greater designs on Evolution have many, many more
> surprises in store for us, if only we will allow ourselves to simply
> keep observing its grandeur in action and not feel compelled to pass
> judgment over what we observe, if only we will allow ourselves not to
> freak out at the immensity of its incompressible purpose.
> </Sunday's service>
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

It is necessary to "dumb it down" if you believe in a loving
god/creator. Otherwise this intelligent designer is either indifferent
to humans or a sadist. 


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