On Feb 15, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Harry Veeder wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: OrionWorks <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:30 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Climate Change

Hi Thomas,

<Sunday's service>

I believe in Intelligent Design.

Consider the possibility that ID has done a fantastic job of designing
Evolution in such an unfathomable way that we have only just begun to
scratch the Cosmic Wisdom behind its purpose.

Unfortunately, as we learn more about what drives the checks and
balances introduced into evolution's blue print it seems to have
unhinged so many individuals that many feel compelled to dumb it down
into the guise of spiritual paradigms and easily digestible moral
tales where humans are often conveniently placed the center of
evolution's ultimate purpose.

Perhaps G-d's greater designs on Evolution have many, many more
surprises in store for us, if only we will allow ourselves to simply
keep observing its grandeur in action and not feel compelled to pass
judgment over what we observe, if only we will allow ourselves not to
freak out at the immensity of its incompressible purpose.

</Sunday's service>

Steven Vincent Johnson

It is necessary to "dumb it down" if you believe in a loving
god/creator. Otherwise this intelligent designer is either indifferent
to humans or a sadist.

Surely Harry, a God that has been around for at least 12 billion years and operates throughout the universe can have more than these two attitudes. The Christian religion has always suffered from this very narrow view of God, which has lead to some very harmful conclusions. Imagine any of the following possibilities.

1. This planet is designed by God to inflict suffering as a way to teach wisdom.
2.  This planet is one of several penal colonies for the universe.
3. Suffering is a natural experience, just like death and gravity. It comes with life and cannot be avoided, even by the "son of God". 4. God had nothing to do with the earth except that this is one of the many different results of the grand plan. We are as important as a grain of sand in the universe. 5. God is heard only when a person has grown wise enough to listen, which does not include most people. Consequently, God remains a mystery, especially to religions.

I could go on, but you get the point.



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