>From Ed Storms:


> All we need now is the knowledge to make it
> work on a large scale.  If you think the present
> economic problems are bad, wait until people
> realize that most of the major cooperations would
> go bankrupt as their products become worthless.
> Another example of being careful about what you
> wish for.

This topic is fertile ground for much speculation. Who among us will
live long enough to see the aftermath. Even under the most optimal
conditions it is likely to take decades to mature, 20 - 30 years
minimum. Probably more.

Most of us, of course, dream (perhaps with some trepidation) of the
day when energy will essentially become ubiquitous to everyone on the
planet. Obviously, not everyone is "for" this because of their own
personal agendas.

Personally, I'm not entirely convinced that the global economic system
will suffer so gravely. Granted, it will have to change, and change
drastically in many ways. The lingering question in my mind is whether
cool heads would prevail and allow for a reasonably careful transition
to a different global economic system, one based on new paradigms and
different values - one that no longer considers the possession of
natural resources like petroleum as the key to maintaining national
security and economic health & wealth.

Not everything will change. Other kinds of natural resources will
continue to be just as valued, and perhaps even more so. For example,
demand for all sorts elements, metals, mined from ore-rich countries
would likely benefit as everyone on the planet becomes wealthy enough
to desire their own "Ipods", etc... Food production is sure to
increase everywhere as everyone's diet improves. The arts &
entertainment business will enter a golden age, though probably not
soon enough for me to exploit. ;-)

IMO there will be plenty of business to go around if one is willing to
look at all the new opportunities that will inevitably present

Jed has, of course, already outlined most of this in his book

Steven Vincent Johnson

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