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As the smoke cleared, mix...@bigpond.com <mix...@bigpond.com>
mounted the barricade and roared out:

> >However, to publicly
> >speculate about such a possibility might be considered so disruptive
> >to the economic fabric of our society that I wonder if McKubre
> >deliberately chose not to go there.
> You mention "disruption" is if that were a bad thing. Some economic
> disruptions are highly beneficial, and this is one example. In fact
> "improvement" might be a better word than "disruption" in this case.
> There should be "no doubt" that virtually unlimited cheap energy would
> provide a tremendous economic boost to every nation on Earth, not to
> mention the added bonuses of limitless fresh water (through
> desalination), a reduction in the greenhouse effect, and a huge
> increase in the feasibility of waste recycling, to the point where
> essentially all waste can be cheaply recycled, resulting in a huge
> reduction in environmental pollution.
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk

In fact, limitless -- i.e. free -- energy will fundamentally change human
society. It will literally be the Biggest Thing since Fred Flintstone
discovered fire. Moreso.

The "Free Market" -- and all other irrationalities and encrustations,
like religion, etc. -- will simply not survive it. Hooray for that.

- --grok.

- -- 
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