Harry Veeder wrote:

There are plenty of retired scientists/engineers enjoying comfortable
> pensions right now. If enough of them contributed a fraction of their income
> to a fund for cold fusion research . . .

We don't need their money. We need their support. We need them to read
papers, learn about the subject, write letters to professional journals and
editors, contact elected officials, and so on. We need them to
counterbalance the "skeptics," in short. When a magazine like Sci. Am.
attacks cold fusion, we need many educated subscribers to contact the
magazine and tell them they are wrong. One or two people such as Krivit and
I alone will have no effect. Dozens or hundreds would get their attention.
Back when I was lobbying the incoming Obama administration, if I could have
attracted hundreds or even thousands of signatures and intelligent comments
in the Citizens Briefing Book it might have had an impact.

As I said in the book, cold fusion will not survive without broad public

The same kind of professional activism was needed before things like
automobile safety standards could be pushed through over the objections of

- Jed

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