Here is an excerpt from a message in the above thread.  It's actually
heresay (not directly from a juror); but, it rings true:

"I wasn't on the jury and first got to hear of it last year through
some university people. They gave me a bit of the background. I took a
mildly passing interest on how it would unfold. No confidentiality
agreements were broken and no one was waving pieces of paper with
drawings and the like around.

In the early days, the jury were given "test" data in the form of
computer printouts and spreadsheets. Steorn were asked for more
details - test protocols, schematics, build details of the devices
being tested etc. There were always reasons why these were not
supplied. The main one being that the "test rigs" were too complicated
and expensive to replicate and that Steorn was developing a
"simplified" version of a "rig" (it wasn't called Orbo in those early
days) which the jury members could replicate. At one stage it was
stated to a couple of the jury members that Kinetica would be a
preview of the unit the jury would get to see, build and test. This
didn't happen. The excuses then became the need to iron out the
"glitches". It was at that point some of the jurors left for "personal
reasons". Apart from one (who did have genuine "personal reasons"),
the reason was a frustration with Steorn and a lack of any evidence to

Steorn were advised late 2008 (end of October / early November) that
the remaining members of the jury were going to return a negative
"verdict". There wasn't going to be a report ... since the jury
essentially had nothing to report on. Steorn asked that they didn't go
public until a comprehensive "press statement" could be prepared which
would include the jurors' conclusion and Steorn's response. There were
more delays ... Most of the jurors now believe this was so Steorn
could come up with the "Talks" and the "300 engineers" stage.

Following even more delays the remaining jury members got so
frustrated they told Steorn they were going to post their brief
conclusion on "ning". Steorn tried to convince them to delay it, again
using talk of just about having the glitches solved. By this stage
none of the jury believed them and the "statement" was published.
Steorn had been given advanceed warning of the statement so had their
"press release" ready.

Bottom line ... all members of the jury are convinced Steorn do not
have anything. They were given nothing to convince them otherwise. The
onus was on Steorn to give them the "evidence" to evaluate. It didn't

<end excerpt>

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