OrionWorks wrote:
>>From Terry:
>> http://www.steorn.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=61849&page=1#Item_0
> The steorn saga has been a real education for me.
> Whether it is naivety on my part or not, I was willing to give the
> benefit of the doubt to Steorn's engineers in assuming that they had
> accurately detected an energy/force anomaly in their ORBO technology.
> However, assessing these latest comments would seem to suggest to me
> that my trust may have been misplaced, perhaps badly so. If so it is
> not Steorn's fault, by my own alone. I still find what seems to be
> transpiring hard to reconcile within myself because my own common
> sense would seem to suggest to me that Steorn's engineers couldn't
> have been *that* stupid or so utterly self-deluded that couldn't have
> detected mistakes in their measurements.

A quick slice using Occam's razor suggests a very simple explanation,
one which doesn't require you to worry too much about your own belief in
various aspects of reality. In short....

The Steorn engineers are not self-deluded.

They're dishonest.


Liars, plain and simple.

As far as I can tell, Steve, you are not dishonest, not a liar, and I
dare say you would never undertake anything of a fraudulent nature.
Consequently, you may find it hard to believe, on a gut level, that
someone else could be so utterly bent, so totally alien to everything
you think of as a "normal human", as to publish bald-face lies about
their work, and take investors' money using completely false promises
about what is going to be done with it.  You may find it even harder to
believe that dishonest scum can *appear* open, trustworthy, cheerful,
positive, and like all-around Good Guys.

Consider this:  So far, every claimed perpetual motion machine for which
we have the full story has turned out to have been the result of either
fraud or error, and most of the modern ones, done by people with a good
deal of expertise, have been the result of fraud.  The fact that
Steorn's is, too, should surprise nobody.

You might be tempted to say the Steorn operation is too big for it to be
based on a fraudulent claim, with too many engineers in on the secret.
But all you need to do is look at the Madoff mess to see absolute
undeniable proof that a rather large organization, in business for many
years, dealing with many customers, can be built entirely, 100%, on a
flat lie, a lie which must *obviously* have been well known to all the
insiders.  Maybe only Madoff himself has been convicted, but surely
every officer in the company, and most of the accountants and traders
working for him, must have been in on the dirty little secret too.
Dishonest people are a dime a dozen and finding enough smart ones to
staff a sham organization is clearly possible.

Don't waste sympathy on anybody at Steorn.  They're the kind of
repulsive people who make it necessary to have a lock on your front door.

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