On Jul 12, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

I think the temperature is misleading. What matters is the *relative* energies of the two molecules; if they happen to have low relative energy -- the opposite of what we thought would be needed! --, they are as if at very low temperature.

In other words, what we think of as a BEC, as a bulk phenomenon, requires very low temperatures. However, if all we are considering is two molecules, can those two condense in the same manner as a BEC? I don't see why not, but, then again, I really don't know enough to do more than ask a few questions.

I'm no expert in QM. I'm a complete amateur. However, I do know the waveform of a BEC, even a two molecule BEC, can not be described as simply the overlap of individual waveforms, and things do not behave as one intuitively might expect. For simplicity lets just talk particles instead of molecules for a moment. Yes, as relative motion of any two particles is reduced to zero in the reference frame of the observer, their de Broglie wavelengths increase to infinity, and obviously greatly increase their overlap if the centers of charge are not co-centered. This is not sufficient to increase the probability of fusion. What is important is, upon observation and wave function collapse, the probability of the two resulting point particles (nuclei) being sufficiently close to produce the fusion. If you break the individual wave functions into little cubes of a size sufficiently small to produce fusion of two particles within one, then as the wave function gets bigger you end up with more cubes (i.e. proportional to the wavelength cubed number of cubes) even if the wave functions *fully overlap*, i.e. the particles are co-entered.

If, for the sake of argument, each cube has equal probability, i.e. upon wave function collapse each particle can be found in any of the cubes with the same probability, then the probability of both particles occupying the same cube upon full collapse actually *diminishes* with expanded de Broglie wavelength. For example suppose you start off with 2^3 = 8 cubes. The probability of fusion in any one of the cubes is 1/8^2 = 1/64. You have 8 cubes, so the overall probability is 8*64 = 1/8. Suppose now you double the wavelength, so have 4^3 = 64 cubes. The probability of fusion in a particular cube is 1/64^2 = 1/4096. The combined probability of fusion, given there are 64 squares is 64 times larger, thus 1/64. The probability of fusion is reduced by a factor of 8 when the de Broglie wavelength is doubled (in this highly simplified version that is.)

It gets worse. The probability could in actuality in all low speed cases be very close to zero. This is because the expected location (upon wave function collapse) of particles in combined wave functions is co-located with respect to the other particles, i.e. is co- dependent. The probability of finding of particle A in a given cube is conditional upon where particle B will be found, and vice versa. Particles having like charge have low probabilities of being found close together. This co-location affects things like the tendency for hydrogen molecules to be of a given barbell shape and size. You might expect that, as the protons are brought closer to each other, and the volume of the molecule decreased, the probability of the electrons being found between them and thus shielding their Coulomb barriers, would grow. Not so. The electron wave function actually thins out between the nuclei and thus increases the repulsion between the nuclei, thus restoring the molecular shape. The probability of the electrons jointly being found in the smaller volume between the nuclei decreases, and the probability of both being found on opposed sides of the nuclei increases. The probabilities are thus co- dependent. Similar arguments can be made for nuclei jammed into a tetrahedral space (their locations are co-dependent) as well as for any electron screening that might occur there.

I suggested a possible means to beat this co-location problem (and thus cause fusion) here in 1996. It is described here:


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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