>From Terry:

> Well written essay.  Of all the researchers, John Mack, Budd Hopkins,
> Whitley Streiber, it is David Jacobs' view that frightens me the most.
>  Have you read "The Threat"?
> Anyway, he has a web site:
> http://www.ufoabduction.com/
> Terry

Hi Terry,

Thanks for the complement. Vortex-l got the first draft. I've whittled
away at my "treatise" since. (My first drafts tend to be overly
redundant.) There is so much more that can be discussed, but that
would be for a different time and place.

I am aware of Jacob's books. I'm sure I have one or two of his
publications squirreled away in my dusty library. I probably saw
Jacobs at Roswell. I must confess the fact that I no longer recall the
specific details pertaining to "The Threat", other than the fact that,
yes, Jacobs does subscribe to a belief that our society should be more
concerned (perhaps even alarmed) about the phenomenon. Jacobs isn't
the only writer by any means who expresses a view that "abductions"
may be a potential threat to the human race.

For various reasons, some of which were hopefully extolled in my
previous essay, I don't subscribe to "...the human race is about to be
converted into... something else, possibly quite alien, etc... etc..."
theory. After years of reading, listening, talking with, and pondering
I've come more around to a viewpoint that such conclusions are far too
literal and absolute in their interpretation. The nature of these
experiences strike me, personally, more as symbolic metaphor, POWERFUL
metaphors that are just as important and significant to the human

>From my POV, when HAVEN'T homo sapiens NOT been on the verge of
transforming into something else. We don't need no stinkin-aliens to
act as the primary reason or excuse (to be the whipping boy) of our
possible demise, our unintended transformation into something else!

But on a more serious note:

A fascinating aspect to the recounting of these experiences is the
fact that experiencers (isolated individuals who do not know each
other, and as such have not had time to cross-check their notes on
their way to forming a conspiracy of sorts) recall similar details
pertaining to their "abductions". Their experiences are incredibly
similar in nature and detail. This fact alone should make most
rational researchers sit up and ponder: what the hell is going on.

Paraphrasing Yoko Ono, she once stated that dreams experienced in
isolation are but dreams. But "dreams" shared by many is reality.

Consider the possibility that the form of communication, the symbols
and events that unfold with incredible universal exactitude suggests
to me the possibility that this may be the only way that we humans
would seriously consider taking such "dreams" more seriously.

The metaphor, ACC's "Childhood's End" is playing out. We fear our own
potential. All children fear growing up.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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