OrionWorks wrote:
>>From Mr. Storms:
> ...
>> Who is doing this planting of coordinated vision? Who wants us to
>> believe in aliens? The government is doing everything it can to kill
>> this belief.
> Just some idle off-the-wall speculation follows...a fable of sorts:
> Once upon a time there existed a civilization millions of years more
> advanced than the human race. In their vast travels it was inevitable
> that they would eventually come across our planet, the one filled with
> homo sapiens and a few sentient aquatic species. They noticed that the
> sentient land animals seemed to spend a lot of time scurrying about on
> the surface as they went about the businesses of going here to there.
> They also noticed that these creatures didn't seem to be taking very
> good care of their planet, and oh, how they often seemed to argue
> amongst each other.
> They pondered these issues for a millennium or two, or perhaps it was
> for only a couple of microseconds - time can be such an ephemeral
> state of mind. 

If you're going to use English to communicate with others, please use
the words to mean what we all agree that they mean.

"time" is not a state of mind.  "time" is what a clock reads, and
elapsed time is the time recorded by a clock between two events.  In any
particular reference frame, the time between two events can be a
millennium or it can be a microsecond but it can't be both, and the
elapsed time between those events is most certainly not an "ephemeral
state of mind".  An "ephemeral state of mind" is something quite different.

Similarly, a tomato is not an alien cab driver, and a horse is not a
flying saucer.

A country mile is not an hour.

A minute is not euphoria.  Euphoria is a state of mind, it's not a
measure of time.  A sad feeling after breakfast is not a month.  A sad
feeling is a state of mind, not a measure of time, while a month is a
measure of time, not a state of mind.

And a letter in which you mix up a state of mind with an elapsed time is
not a serious attempt at communication, IMNSHO.

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