Hi Jeff,

> I have never experienced sleep paralysis, but my wife did once,
> and it was not nearly so benign as yours.
> It was the summer of 1970 in Virginia after an early morning
> thunder storm. I left early for some errands: my wife slept in.
> When she woke up, she could move nothing but her eyes. What
> she saw was a reptilian creature with large scales walking
> around the bed. The creature was not similar to the ones on
> "Star Trek Enterprise", but she is unable or unwilling to
> recall any further details. He did not appear to touch her.
> There were no sounds.
> My wife was on birth control from 1967 to 1973, but three
> months after this incident after a positive pregnancy test,
> she miscarried.
> We both became Christians in 1973.  We have experienced
> nothing of this nature since that incident.
> Jeff
> P.S. She had not thought of this incident in years, and she
> was not at all happy that I brought it to her rememberance this
> morning.

It's my understanding that Sleep Paralysis can be a "door way" to many
interesting experiences as your wife can testify. In my own case, my
experiences were hardly terrifying. It would be more accurate to
describe them as energizing, and all too brief.

Under the circumstances it would be inappropriate of me to judge and
analyze the experiences and subsequent decision(s) you and your wife
have made. You and your wife converting to Christianity back in 1973
appears to have been a positive influence on your lives. Nothing bad
about that.

I will bend my own rules of non-intervention just a tad here and offer
as a suggestion, that the two of you might consider the possibility
that the "creature" your wife saw was not necessarily the demon it
appeared to be, but was instead possibly an angel in disguise, clothed
to appear to look like a demon for the specific purpose of reminding
her (and through her, you) that perhaps the two of you might care to
avail yourselves to a more traditional religious structure in your
lives. I'm also sorry that your wife miscarried three months later
after her disquieting experience. It must have been sad for both of
you. But then, perhaps it was God sending the both of you another
message: that the two of you weren't yet prepared to begin raising a
family, not until the both of you availed yourselves to a more
traditional religious structure in which to raise a family. As I'm
sure you've heard, the Lord moves in mysterious ways!

Sometimes I just wish it was easier for us to accept the notion that
we aren't evil, that we have not "fallen" from grace, but
unfortunately, the "fall from grace" is a strong belief for which
significant portions of our society appear to be lost in the drama
that makes it so titillating to experience over and over. But then, I
know all too well the many demons I've had to wrestle in my own life,
so you have my sympathies.

I hope you two have been able to start a family, if that is your wish.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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