Here is part of a long article by S. O. Dean:

Dean, S.O., Fusion News: 2004. J. Fusion Energy, 2004. 23(3): p. 137.

This is from p. 161. The author quotes someone else, Peter Golden. This is noteworthy because the same issue of the journal has a long article supporting cold fusion, Li, X.Z., et al., A Chinese View on Summary of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. J. Fusion Energy, 2004. 23(3): p. 217-221.


The following column by Peter Golden appeared in the Sunday September 19, 2004 Metro West Daily News and is distributed by permission of the author.

Golden: Igniting a burning plasma

By Peter Golden/Local Columnist
Sunday, September 19, 2004

Arguably the most accessible and incontrovertibly important applications problem currently con­fronting the experimental physics and energy technology communities today is fusion power. Little understood in terms of its current state and immedi­ate potential for development, fusion power is still largely a dream.

Notably, a recent alumnae event at the Massa­chusetts Institute of Technology, a world leader in fusion power research, featured an "alternative energy fair" yet omitted fusion power. Similarly, a recent article in the Boston Globe on "cold fusion," a controversial and entirely unproved concept, omitted any reference to "hot fusion" and burning plasma whatsoever.

Yet, as is largely understood in the physics and technical development communities, burning plasma represents the first, best hope for meeting the world's future energy needs. This can be said with certainty for a number of reasons, including the current state of the art, projected cost for devising a prototype device, and our capacity as a nation to support such an effort. . . .

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