Dr. Swartz,


I gather you do not see eye-to-eye with Mr. Rothwell on certain experimental
procedures. That in itself is not an unusual development, particularly as
researchers go about collecting data on the frontiers of what most in our
society are likely to consider to be an unconventional science. Certainly,
there will continue to be disagreements concerning how best to record
experimental data. I gather the art of collecting accurate calorimetry data
can be exceedingly difficult. I've heard that many physicists loath to deal
with any kind of recorded heat collected through calorimetry.


In the meantime, what do you expect to gain by claiming that Mr. Rothwell
has been caught "...frothing at the mouth again." Does this indicate a new
form of anomalous heat that CF researchers ought to research, assuming we
correctly account for the effects of Bernard instability?


BTW, I haven't a clue what "Barnard instability" is. I suppose I could look
up at Wiki, assuming it isn't another one of those forbidden topics.





Steven Vincent Johnson



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