On a completely personal note, I would not want to give the impression that I have Parkinson's. I have no idea what it is, and neither do the doctors. They call it "essential tremor," where "essential" is medical jargon meaning 'built-in, always there,' or 'we don't have a clue what causes it.' There are many possible causes. On the other hand, Parkinson's runs in the family and my deceased relatives had the same kind of symptoms at my age, so it is a good bet that I do. You have to die of something and Parkinson's is not a bad way to go.

Because it was free, I took part in a neurological medical study at Emory U. The doctors measured this and that and poked me with needles. They did not seem alarmed. They confirmed there is a problem but it is mild and requires no treatment. They said the best way to find out exactly what's wrong would be with an autopsy, but I would prefer not to undergo that just yet. No doubt it will get worse with age. I know from experience that exercise reduces the problem, and they confirmed that.

Fleischmann told me he has had the problem for a long time. So did my mother, and others I have known who had it.

- Jed

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