Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

As Bob Dylan wrote, if you ain't got nothin, you got nothin to lose. On the other hand, if the bucks start pouring in the door, hey, an attorney should get some. How likely is that? I can see the headlines:

Cold Fusion Fad Hits High Schools, Physicists Hysterical

Sales of LDA Cold Fusion Kits Skyrockets after American Physical Society Issues Press Release: It's Impossible!

That's funny, but this is no laughing matter. There has been and continues to be serious, prolonged opposition to cold fusion. Many powerful people such as Robert Park have gone to great lengths to prevent research. They have done unethical things such as destroying people's reputations in the mass media, and firing scientists who published positive results or tried to organize or attend conferences. They have destroyed people's lives, happiness and marriages. I advise you not to play games with such people. Do nothing that will give them the opportunity to get you in trouble.

They probably do not have much power to hurt a person who is outside the academic establishment and not employed by a university or corporation. But I expect they will try, and you may be more vulnerable than you think to nuisance lawsuits, harassment, character assassination, Internet rumors and so on. These people are creative and they will stop at nothing. They sincerely believe that cold fusion is "pathological science" worse than Creationism, and that it is lunacy and criminal fraud, and that allowing any research will "discredit" science.

I do not believe in conspiracy theories but I know for a fact that harassment is widespread, because I know the victims from the 1990s. More recently, people such as Robert Duncan told me making favorable remarks in public about cold fusion is like poking a hornet's nest.

I myself have not been the target of any serious harassment. This is because powerful people who have it in for the research, such as Park, never bother me. They consider me an unimportant lunatic. That's what they tell me. I am glad they feel that way! Some of their small beer followers have bothered me, mainly in petty ways such as banning me from Wikipedia. (Any self-respecting person qualified to write about cold fusion will be banned from Wikipedia sooner or later.)

Actually, I have had just about as much trouble from cold fusion researchers who oppose LENR-CANR.org as from opponents. Why they do not simply ignore the site I do not know, but several have tried to sabotage it. As I mentioned here, one even threatened lawsuits and it turned out he meant it. Another included me as a co-defendant in a lawsuit against Mallove, but the judge dismissed it. There sure are many flaky people associated with this field! The skeptics are right about that. You can see why people get a bad impression.

- Jed

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