
I take public character insinuation toward scientists and researchers very seriously. So when I see a comment such as yours, it gets my attention.

Vortex is a forum which I find to be one of the more enlightened and intelligent discussion lists. I am also very enthusiastic about the Widom-Larsen theory. As a consequence, if there is something you know about WL that you think should be known publicly, I want to know about it.

That way, I can best differentiate between important facts, feelings that some people may have, or smoke that some people may blow.


At 06:40 PM 12/9/2009, you wrote:
Given time ... which is not available now. It would involve comparing dates
and details in hundreds of pages of text. No thanks.

BTW - are you "on a mission," or what?

After all, this is an informal newsgroup, not the investigative arm of the
anti-defamation league of oppressed & unrecognized scientists ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Krivit


Thanks for your reply.

Now can you defend your insinuation (quoted below) with some evidence?

>and repackaging the ideas of many theorists - including [H. Heffner] -
>without proper attribution.


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