Well, I had a good early night's sleep but I see the conversation train has moved well on down the tracks! 8^)

I would like to say that I think W&L's approach is very different from mine. Perhaps I should re-read their articles, but I haven't seen anything in their approach that resembles mine. As for attribution to my work, I am an amateur, and I write with amateurs in mind as an audience, though not for a popular literature audience. I use mostly advanced high school level math, so expect anything I write to be accessible to advanced high school or early college students. Being an amateur, I don't expect there will be any recognition or citations in journals, though that would be great if it happened. It has to be enough to stimulate the thinking of others. If that contributes to solving the energy problem then that is good enough. My product is ideas, with some synthesis and analysis. Ideas alone have a limited value.

If you think about it there is really very little that can go on in hydrogen fusion. You have a limited number of isotopes which can interact in a very limited number of ways to produce a limited number of products, atomically speaking. You have a literature which has dealt with a very limited number of experimental approaches. For a field of this importance, there has been a very limited set of people dedicated to solving the problems.

What distinguishes one theory from another is a fine line to a casual observer, especially if it happens to be one that dismisses the entire field.

The principle problem in CF is how the Coulomb barrier is overcome, how two hydrogen nuclei can merge to become helium or tritium using chemical level energies. I think there are basically four camps on this: (1) the barrier is breached by actual neutrons only, singly or in clusters, (2) the barrier is breached by electrons and hydrogen nuclei bound strongly enough, well below ground state, that the Coulomb force can't tear them apart before they get close enough to fuse by tunneling, (3) the barrier is breached by a group action, principally by formation of a quantum condensate in which the wave functions are "spread out enough to fuse", and (4) the barrier is breached by separate electrons and nuclei which remain bound only at chemical energy levels or less, but by a means in which one or more electrons catalyze the reaction through Coulomb screening. Another categorization is theories which describe CF as (A) as a surface effect only, or (B) a 3D effect within a lattice, or (C) both.

W&L fall into group 1A, though their pre-fusion neutron formation process might fall into group 3A. Deflation fusion is in group 4C. We are about as far apart in the spectrum of approaches as possible. Another categorization might be (a) theories that explain with hydrogen fusion only and theories which (b) also explain heavy element transmutation. I expect this would be a sensitive and possibly not useful categorization because there are about as many theories as theorists, and each theorist seems to think his theory, and only his theory, explains everything. I put W&L in overall category 1Aa, and deflation fusion in 4Cb because the W&L theory ignores neutron activation, and neutron absorption can not explain the lack of signatures for heavy element transmutations, the energy deficit that must be created in the newly fused nuclei.

What sets my theory apart from most others is the recognition that an electron and hydrogen nucleus can overcome the Coulomb barrier by *jointly* tunneling through it. The electron doesn't have to be bound to the hydrogen nucleus at above chemical energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier. Another important principle is that a small wavelength electron is also necessary, even though its potential plus kinetic energy remains at near ground state. This necessarily involves the high kinetic energies of an electron when near a hydrogen nucleus. The small wavelength electron is key to creating the energy deficit that exists in the fused products and which changes branching ratios and eliminates almost all high energy signatures.

Ultimately it may be revealed there is a host of things happening in CF experiments. However, it is likely that only one theory will open the flood gates of practical progress. It is only necessary to understand and control one robust mechanism for producing excess heat. I expect and hope the deflation fusion concept might help accomplish that. It yields two major design principles: (1) increase tunneling diffusion in the lattice, hopping rates, *as opposed to ordinary atomic diffusion*, and (2) increase the probability of the deflated state by orbital stressing. Achieving (1) involves using smaller lattice constant material, imposing diffusion barriers in the lattice that force tunneling, using lattice dopants which create interstitial tunneling rings or groups, using high current density and resistive lattices to impose E fields, use of strong magnetic field gradients, and various forms of EM or acoustic stimulation to maximize tunneling rates. Achieving (2) involves loading lattices hot and letting them cool to stress orbitals, custom design of lattices to accommodate high stresses, thermal cycling, and annealing, use of high electron fugacity, use of energy focusing, and high energy stimulation. Most all of this has been applied in one way or another. The difficulty is combining the concepts in a useful way, and this requires sophisticated materials science. It is a hopefully useful concept to maximize (lattice tunneling rates)*(deflated state probability) when using computer simulation to design and evaluate prospective lattice materials and environments. In addition, the Cold Fusion Nuclear Reactions article, through exploring the possibility of some unexpected nuclear reactions, may open up some new thinking and new experimental lines which can improve diagnostics of what is happening in hydrogen loaded lattices and ultimately help solve the energy problem.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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