Michel Jullian wrote:

>> Which parties?
> Please ask me again in 3 months.

I thought you didn't want to know any CF information that you could
not divulgate ;-)

Seriously, that is my rule. I am bending it slightly. That's Arthur Clarke's rule, also expressed by Steve Early of the FDR administration. Tell me nothing you do not want the world to know. In this case I have learned a little. It is only fragmentary information. I told the parties to stop communicating with me and tell me nothing more until they finish their tests in 2 or 3 months.

Two or 3 months is reasonable. I would not agree to keep quiet for a year or two. There is really nothing worth reporting yet anyway. If, in 3 months, there is still nothing worth reporting, or no signed document I can upload, I will report here that Rossi's results seem to have faded away, like so many others.

I am revealing nothing when I say the claims are astounding and if true, they may bring to an end the dispute and bring about the near term commercialization of cold fusion. That is all the more reason to take time in the confirmation and not rush to judgement.

- Jed

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