suspension-would-put-85000-wind-jobs-at-risk-industry?cmpid=WindNL- Thursday-March25-2010

March 8, 2010
Stimulus Suspension Would Put 85,000 Wind Jobs at Risk

by Carl Levesque, AWEA

AWEA and the wind energy industry reacted strongly to an initiative by four Senators that would suspend crucial renewable energy development incentives in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that the industry views as a huge success and a lifeline in the economic crisis.

The four Senators—Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), Bob Casey (D-Penn.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) — on Wednesday urged the Obama Administration to suspend the U.S. Treasury grant program (offered in lieu of the production tax credit and investment tax credit) indefinitely because of concerns that some of the funds may be going to foreign companies. But the notion is completely erroneous, said AWEA, which pointed out that by law stimulus funds must be spent in the U.S. — and that the dollars being invested in the wind industry are creating and sustaining jobs at wind projects across the country.

Suspending the program, in fact, would have a highly negative effect on U.S. jobs, AWEA said. “At a time when the construction unemployment rate is nearly 25% and the manufacturing unemployment rate is 13%, this proposal could cost 85,000 American workers their jobs,” AWEA CEO Denise Bode said in a statement. “This proposal would torpedo one of the most successful job creation efforts of the Recovery Act, which has already preserved half of the 85,000 American jobs in the U.S. wind industry.”

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Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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