On Mar 26, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

You are perfectly right. The problem is that this not so friendly, moderately rich, Planet has much less palladium, we will be forced to import some thousands tonnes from other places. By the way, if you consult the news, you'll see that there are great problems in the electronic industry because other rare elements, the lantanides are scarce.
It's a reason for Triumph to not like its image in the mirror.

We should not shrink from looking in the mirror! We have only begun to scratch the surface of a very large parameter space.

A 110 W/cm^2 heat transfer energy density is probably not necessary in practical application, but even if it were the technology is available to handle it. See:

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science? _ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TJM-4JDMMT3-8&_user=10&_coverDate=06%2F23% 2F2006&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_search StrId=1269747130&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVer sion=0&_userid=10&md5=0dded19bd7e80c8605bfd4dba58ae332


I think time spent on Pd and Ni is disproportionate in the extreme to its importance.

Perhaps the most key implication is the need to reduce the lattice spacing. Pd has too large a lattice spacing, so most of its diffusion is by classical means, and all diffusion by tunneling is eliminated above 300 K. Similarly, achieving a high diffusion rate is not good enough. A lattice of Nb or some alloy with other good properties at operating temperature, but with shorter hops, should provide a significant change in tunneling rate. If Pd is used then forbidden zones in the lattice to force tunneling, or small structures which require tunneling hops to pass them, are obvious approaches. A lattice with these things might be achieved by alternating solutions or anodes during co-deposition, or by vacuum deposition and ion implantation in thin layers of alternating materials. Alternately, dense quantities of nano-particles can be imbedded to provide tunneling barriers or to channel tunneling.

The following is just a quote from my paper at:


but it gives just a glimpse at the kinds of materials that should be explored.

Perhaps the most key implication is the need to reduce the lattice spacing. Pd has too large a lattice spacing, so most of its diffusion is by classical means, and all diffusion by tunneling is eliminated above 300 K. Similarly, achieving a high diffusion rate is not good enough. A lattice of Nb or some alloy with other good properties at operating temperature, but with shorter hops, should provide a significant change in tunneling rate. If Pd is used then forbidden zones in the lattice to force tunneling, or small structures which require tunneling hops to pass them, are obvious approaches. A lattice with these things might be achieved by alternating solutions or anodes during co-deposition, or by vacuum deposition and ion implantation in thin layers of alternating materials. Alternately, dense quantities of nano-particles can be imbedded to provide tunneling barriers or to channel tunneling.

A wide variety of lattice sizes and lattice structures are available for investigation and not yet fully explored.61 62

Hydrogen in amorphous alloys and intermetallics have been explored for their hydrogen properties, but not cold fusion properties, including Zr3RhH3.5, Zr2FeH, (Ni0.5Zr0.5)1-yPyHx, TiFeHx, Ni0.33Zr0.067Hx, and including an amorphous structure, Zr0.5CuyNi0.5- yH1, with an H-H separation of 1.67 Å.63

Thorium hydrides, ThH2 and ThH15, uranium hydride, UH3, and fcc plutonium hydrides, PuHx (1.78<x<2.7), have been explored for hydrogen properties, yet may be worth further exploring for remedial capabilities of LENR.64

Hydrogen properties have been investigated in a wide variety of fcc metals, bcc metals, hexagonal metals, alloys and metallic glasses. 65 Hydrogen properties in a wide variety of other metals have been investigated, including, FeTiHx, LaN5Hx, LaNi5-yAlyHx (0<y<1.5), LaNi4BH1.5, LaCu5Hx, ZrV2Hx, HfV2Hx, TaV2Hx, ZrCr2Hx, ZrTi2Hx, ZrMoHx, NbHx, TaHx, ZrClH0.5, ZrBrH0.5, ZrNiHx, TiCuHx, Zr2CuHx, TiPdHx, ZrPdHx, ThNiAlHx, UNiAlHx, YNiAlHx, ZrNiAlHx, CeNiAlHx, CeCuAlHx, CeNiInHx, and CeNiInHx. 66 It is especially notable that an H-H spacing of 1.48 Å is achieved in CeNiInHx, which is much less than the commonly accepted distance for closest approach, 2.1 Å.

High temperature cell operation is clearly necessary to achieve practical Carnot efficiencies. High temperature hydrogen adsorption is feasible using high strength alloys of iron, tungsten, molybdenum, and other metals which are incapable of significant hydrogen adsorption at room temperature. Hot operating alloys can be designed to maximize bond strength, annealing ability, operating temperature range, and hydrogen loading as well as helium de-loading characteristics in a controlled temperature range cycling profile. Special lattices and environments can also be designed to maximize heavy transmutations and accomplish nuclear remediation.

The tables at the very ends of reports E through H with URLS at:


should provide some insight as to what isotopes/elements might make good LENR reactors. I have not yet posted similar data for weak reactions, for various reasons.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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