He's gonna need more Pd.  In 2008, the world consumption of all types
of power averaged 1.504 x 10^13 W.


At 2.4 x 10^-3 g/W, he would need 3.61 x 10^10 g of Pd (plus about 2%
growth per year) or about 36,000 metric tonnes.  And he would need
really good batteries to flatten out the load.  :-)


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 6:00 AM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A bit of realistic sci-fi..
> January 6, 2028- my grandson who was educated in the spirit
> of new energy, cold fusion is wonderful - has succeeded to
> work out the perfectly reproducible energy generating method.
> In the frame of a Pd - D2O system.
> He is a respected citizen and as it is almost compulsory in
> the New Moneytheistic society- a billionaire. He calls the
> Chief Economist of his company:
> "Mark, please buy the reserves of palladium any gram you
> can we are going to conquer the world of energy, to replace
> any dirty fossil fuel.. you see itis winter and it is so warm...
> In two weeks the economist succeeds to buy 150 tonnes
> of palladium. a real wizard.
> My grandson's system releases 100 W per 1 sq.cm
> of palladium, which is in the form of a thin layer of
> 0.2 millimetres i.e 1 x 0.02 x 12 = 0.24 grams.
> It is now simple to calculate that if
> 0.24 g. give a power of 100 W, 200,000,000 g.
> will give- 8.4 10 exp 10 W or  8.4 10 exp 7 kW. in a
> more pragmatical language 84 millions of kWatts
> Or 84,000 MWatts. (US consumes now appr.
> 270,000 MWatts electricity)
> Next step- how many kWatts is Mankind consuming.
> Oh not so much, we are clever and are back at the value
> of 2008. But this value is a bit greater-than what can CF give
> He concludes:
> the CF system can contribute but cannot conquer the market
> of energy.
> He visits my grave and has a long imaginary discussion
> with me. I ask him to do better mathematics and
> use the best data. Can you help him? Thanks!

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