In reply to  Nick Palmer's message of Tue, 7 Sep 2010 23:34:43 +0100:
>Tariffs intended to keep wealth circulating locally are nothing but good. 

No, these are bad too. Wealth *is* being recirculated locally, it all stays on
planet Earth. We all need to stop thinking so parochially and start thinking of
everyone on the planet as our bothers and sisters. This is giving the poorer
members of our family a chance to catch up, but even that chance is something
they are winning for themselves by being prepared to work harder and for less
than we are.

In the long term, as the standard of living rises in China, the people will gain
a stronger voice, and demand higher wages. At that point manufacturing will
shift to other low wage countries, probably largely in Africa.

In this way, wealth is slowly distributed among the peoples of the World.


Robin van Spaandonk

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