Dear Mr William:
We used that extreme mode, closed doors, also for many hours, sometimes having 
troubles to stop the reactor.
To stop the rreactor we cut the injection of hydrogen and increase the water 
flow to cool down the reactor.
Warm Regards,

From: noone noone <>
Sent: Sat, January 22, 2011 9:09:28 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Monday Update to Release Information on Self Sustain Mode

 Dear Mr Brian Robertson:
I again want to return on your comment, because it is very important, and I 
forgot to say a thing that I deem important too.
The same Professors of the University of Bologna who made the test of  the 14th 
of January, had made a preliminar test, closed doors, on the  17th of December 
During that preliminar test, made to check the idoneity of their  
instrumentation, being closed doors we could make a mode of operation  that, 
safety issues, I cannot make in public, it is they made the  reactor go also 
without the drive of the electric resistance. This  preliminar test will also 
described in the report that will be  published on monday. In that case, we had 
a production of energy, with  no energy at all at the input. The same thing 
happened in tests we made  for our Customers, in the USA and in Europe.
You know what happens if you put any number upside a line of fraction and zero 
below the same line.
This is why this mode is dangerous: before use it we need to know  perfectly 
theory. Where I need real help is the formulation of a  solid theory; books can 
help, but up to a certain point, here is a new  chapter to write. Less than all 
help comments of imbeciles (from Latin  “imbacula”, not an offense at all) who 
just say “it is impossible” ,  turn around, and go.
Warm regards,
Useless to say that if you make just warmed water instead of steam the output 
energy calculated is the same.
Warm Regards,


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