On 22-1-2011 2:23, Horace Heffner wrote:

Note that a lot more output possibilities are feasible than just copper, but let's get on with assuming copper is the only output.

Those aneutronic strong force copper producing reactions involving 4 or fewer proton fusions with Ni are:

62Ni28 + p* --> 63Cu29 + 6.122 MeV [-1.984 MeV] (B_Ni:28)
62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 63Cu29 + 1H1 + 6.122 MeV [-10.582 MeV] (B_Ni:33)
64Ni28 + p* --> 65Cu29 + 7.453 MeV [-0.569 MeV] (B_Ni:60)
64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 65Cu29 + 1H1 + 7.453 MeV [-9.080 MeV] (B_Ni:65)
64Ni28 + 3 p* --> 63Cu29 + 4He2 + 17.922 MeV [-7.605 MeV] (B_Ni:83)

Note that equations (B_Ni:83) and (B_Ni:65) the extra proton involved merely plays a catalytic role, holding the nucleus together for a longer period and in an initially much more de-energized state. So, excluding weak reactions, and reactions involving large clusters of protons, the most likely candidate reactions producing CU are:

62Ni28 + p* --> 63Cu29 + 6.122 MeV [-1.984 MeV] (B_Ni:28)
64Ni28 + p* --> 65Cu29 + 7.453 MeV [-0.569 MeV] (B_Ni:60)
64Ni28 + 3 p* --> 63Cu29 + 4He2 + 17.922 MeV [-7.605 MeV] (B_Ni:83)


Based upon natural presence and absence of radiation I would probably go for this on:
62Ni28 + p* --> 63Cu29 + 6.122 MeV [-1.984 MeV] (B_Ni:28)

62Ni28 : pres. 3.634 %
1H1 : pres. 99.985 %
63Cu29 : pres. 69.17 %

Kind regards,


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