Jed, all


Yes, this development is important, but not exactly for the reason
specified. In fact, IMO - it makes the device far riskier in the eyes of
"authorities." (and more subject to eventual political interference by Oil


Not to nitpick, but going from 20:1 P-out/P-in is ALWAYS self sustaining, if
*controlling the reaction via input energy is not required*, i.e. if the
"quality" of the input does not need to be specific (i.e. RF or ultrasound,


IOW - if a special kind of input energy such as resonant ultrasound is not
needed, then with a high COP - it is merely a matter of insulating against
heat loss well enough to retain what would be the equivalent input heat, or
to extract less heat than the input. So if you believe the demo as
presented, then this announcement is a strong negative, not a positive.


The fact that they can do it without P-in indicates to me NOT that there is
any fundamental improvement or change from before - but that a 'runaway' is
more likely due to failure of controls. The so-called 'holy grail' can
easily exist in circumstance with P-in required, and in fact that could
easily be preferable. You want a failsafe control mechanism. 


Otherwise a runaway is more likely. In fact as far as the 'grail' metaphor
goes, I think most engineers would STRONGLY prefer to control the reaction
via P-in.

Instead shutting it off such a by controlling H2 pressure - is much


If you want to keep the Nuclear Regulatory people from shutting down your
entire operation - then the very first thing you MUST avoid is a runaway
reaction, even if the radioactive release, is minimal.


A runaway could squelch everything from the start. It would not surprise me
at all if our NRC were not already in talks with the equivalent agency in
Italy over this very issue - and some of that could be due to political
pressure from either Oil of the multi-billion hot fusion recipients.





This is important! Rossi is saying that on Monday, they will upload a report
by Levi et al. describing a self-sustaining run. This is the Holy Grail of
cold fusion: a self-sustaining device that produces commercially useful
levels of power.


People may have some doubts about Rossi's credibility, but I think there is
no reason to doubt Levi and the others. If they say they saw the thing
self-sustain, I for one will believe it. As I said before, this development
is not all that surprising. There is plenty of supporting evidence from
other experiments. There is no reason to doubt that a scaled up machine can
be built.


It is a little surprising that the breakthrough came with Ni-H. The
temperatures and power density with Ni-H have usually been low in the past,
as far as I know. Pd-D has achieved greater power density.


- Jed


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