Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> The January trial MUST include the control box.

Why? It is the same box. I don't get it.

It seems to me you trivialize the exercise here by playing "what if" the box
were different. If you are going to unrealistic extremes you might as well
compute how much heat the 1 L mystery box would produce if it were filled
with plutonium-238 oxide. (Ans: 19 kg which produces ~11 kW, I think. So if
Rossi has stolen millions of dollars worth of Pu-238 from Uncle Sam -- that
explains it!)

> The February trial is at the moment "anecdotal" --- particularly as it has
> only ONE observer, and we don't have a report yet.

It is all anecdotal. If you don't trust Levi then none of it means anything.

I thought the NyTeknik report was as authoritative and technically complete
as anything you will ever find in the mass media.

It may be a year before we have any reports.

Also, it misses a key element for me -- the TOTAL volume of the reactor, not
> just the "chamber".

The total volume is irrelevant. Levi poked around inside it and found
nothing unusual and nothing that can generate energy. No hidden wires, no
hidden fuel.

- Jed

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