I still think it is a mistake to approach the demo from "its purpose was to 
prove mode" and it could be fake.

However, what if the Hydrogen gas measure was wrong (say gauge jammed) and the 
1 L vessel only held a hot Pt wire and an air leak.
How much heat could you get from burning H2 to H20?  There would be no smoke, 
nothing but steam as a product.  The control would need to be nothing more than 
something to heat a Pt wire ( s ).  How can you rule it out?

What if you assume the counter positive.....  that it was not a Fake and Rossi 
new that? What information can we glean?
The part I don't understand is why did Rossi have any demo at all? What was his 
motive if he already had funding and people working on multiple devices to 
cascade together.  Why not just wait for the 1MW?


From: Jed Rothwell 
Jeff Driscoll <hcarb...@gmail.com> wrote:

  .......................... Also, as I mentioned, canisters of H2 and O2 
placed inside the box at these high temperature would explode.

I think this is not intended to be an analysis of what might have actually 
happened, since it is obvious that none of the proposed reactions could 
actually occur in only 1 L at such high temperatures. I think this is a look at 
the extreme limits of chemical reactions, ignoring practical considerations 
such as the fact that the fuel would explode, or it would emit toxic smoke and 
kill the observers. It is interesting as such.

- Jed

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