Hi Steven - Again let me say that most of this last post comes from playing 
devil's advocate; when in fact the weight of evidence is still on Rossi's side, 
from my personal PoV ... 

...but becoming less so, every time he speaks - since there are always 
self-contradictions if not total BS. Therefore, we should mention all of the 
possibilities, even a publicity stunt by an otherwise failed inventor who has a 
grudge against "the system".

At any rate, I strongly believe that there has been an ongoing 'black' or 
military project since around 2000, which has been funded under the UAV 
umbrella, and which could be directly related to this. 

We know for sure that this program involves hydrogen (not deuterium) as the 
fuel, and that the gain is in the range of 20 times chemical, and that 
converted ICE engines have been used for testing. Aside from that, details are 
conflicting ... 

Of course, getting back to E-Cat, it is considerably more likely that 'they' 
stole some of the secrets from Rossi, instead of wanting to embarrass the LENR 
experimenters (using Rossi as a patsy). 

In short, 'they' are usually not that clever.


> Heck, Rossi might have been recruited for this ! even planned it out from
> Day-one with the help of skeptics like Park & Co (or more likely the
> Pentagon or spooks at some 3-letter org) as a sponsor, for all we really
> know. That would explain Park's unaccustomed silence. Maybe they want to
> embarrass the LENR community to such an extent that funding will never
> happen.
> That is a most ingenious way to protect military secrets, after all?

Granted, it's an intriguing premise.

Nevertheless, the principal reason as to why I don't buy into such a
conclusion (the pay-off, if you will) is that it's kind of
narcissistic if you think about it for too long. It's like the
antithesis of inventor's disease.

In any case, I sure HOPE you're wrong! ;-)

My two cents.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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