So what causes the "electromigration"? As far as I can see all he has in there are some resistive heaters.

--On Wednesday, April 06, 2011 6:15 AM -0700 Jones Beene <> 

To be clear:

Yes the reaction is NOT chemical, but it is NOT the fusion of nickel and 

1)    The copper and iron are incidental, and come from electromigration.

2)    The ash would be isotopically different otherwise, and radioactive.

3)    Since it is not radioactive nor isotopically different, there is ZERO 
evidence of the
fusion of nickel and hydrogen.

Sherlock's default conclusion:

There is another kind of reaction, either "new physics nuclear" or ZPE or 
Millsean with not
deep shrinkage – no matter how improbable that may seem at first – which is 
responsible for
the excess heat.

Why? you ask: cannot the fusion of nickel and hydrogen be this same kind of 
"new physics

Simple Watson, that involves two levels of new physics – not only a new 
reaction, but one with improbably long odds of matching precisely a natural 
balance, which BTW is
probably a balance which is unique to our solar system. The odds of both 
happening are … shall
we say: astronomical?

If one wants to imagine the ludicrous proposition that some kind of "new physics 
reaction can be so lucky as to match exactly an isotopic primordial balance of 
isotopes in two
elements in one star out of trillions, be my guest …


25 kilowatt hours is 80 megajoules. That is over ten times the energy of any 
diesel fuel at 50ml.

The energy prohibits a chemical source.


-----Original Message-----

Thank you for posting this but for the record, the conclusions of Kullander
are wrong. Not just wrong but irresponsible and foolish.

First he says:

"Analyses of the nickel powder used in Rossi's energy catalyzer show that
a large amount of copper is formed."

The Facts: There is evidence of the presence of copper but that is all. If
it were formed by transmutation some of it should be radioactive. In fact
there is a mundane explanation for the presence of copper.

Sven Kullander considers this to be evidence of a nuclear reaction"

"For copper to be formed out of nickel, the nucleus of nickel has to
capture a proton. The fact that this possibly occurs in Rossi's reactor
is why the concept of cold fusion has been mentioned - it would consist
of fusion between nuclei of nickel and hydrogen."

The facts: Yes but if this were the case there would be a wide variation in
the balance of isotopes. Element and isotopic analysis showed that the
isotopic analysis through ICP-MS doesn't show any deviation from the natural

isotopic composition of nickel and copper.

The mistakes of Kullander are juvenile and silly. There is a mundane
explanation for both copper and iron so why invent a reaction that does not


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