At 03:34 PM 4/6/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Alan J Fletcher <> wrote:
Because the horizontal arm was NOT inspected "unwrapped", we have to assume it contained FAKE material. The 6 hour test was NOT long enough to eliminate all of the fakes.

What on EARTH is THAT supposed to mean? The horizontal arm contains a mini-Rossi device. What do you think it contains? Chopped liver?!? (I guess I should make that "Ravioli?!?")

How do know it was not unwrapped and inspected? This reminds me of the assertion that professors are blindly inserting thermocouples into they-know-now where. Do you know any professors who would do that? We are talking about chairman of the Swedish Skeptics Society!

...   which is surrounded by a 2 cm thick lead shield, as stated by Rossi, and wrapped with insulation ..

I read "As stated by Rossi" as "He said so and we believed him" -- not that "he previously stated it but we inspected it"
They only show pictures of the Vertical arm unwrapped. 

I will grant, he has deceived himself into thinking Fleischmann and Pons were a "flop" but I do not think he would be neglect to find out what is inside the lower arm.

ps -- Rossi says :

Andrea Rossi
April 6th, 2011 at 5:50 AM

Dear Mr Goran Crafte:
We all have been honoured from the attention to our work of Prof. Sven Kullander and Prof. Hanno Essen. They displayed a strong knowledge of the matter and we learnt from them: there was really much to learn, and we did.
Their report is very interesting, I repeat the link:

Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi

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