On Apr 12, 2011, at 3:22 PM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

In reply to Horace Heffner's message of Tue, 12 Apr 2011 13:41:19 -0800:
This roughly 0.8 MeV energy comes from the kinetic energy of the
electron, which is the same high value it had in the very small
deflated state

The kinetic energy of the electron in the deflated state comes from the potential energy it had relative to the proton in the non-deflated state. Since the total mass energy of a Hydrogen atom is short of the energy required to form a neutron by 800 keV, that is still so in the deflated state. IOW the kinetic energy of the electron is 800 keV less than would be needed to form a neutron.

Robin van Spaandonk


Following is a longer and hopefully more clear, or at least more specific, answer regarding deflation fusion energy issues.


The deflated hydrogen state is explicitly stated to exist for attosecond order durations, but, where LENR occurs to any observable degree, the state is repeated with a high frequency so as to make the state sufficiently probable, and the lattice half life of the hydrogen appropriate.

The deflated state is a degenerate state of the hydrogen within its molecular or lattice environment, and has the near ground state binding energy of that state. The deflated hydrogen state is a state that in QM terms coexists with the normal hydrogen state within its environment, in fact part of that state. Degenerate electron states, though sometimes even physically isolated can share a single Hamiltonian. If an energy exchange were required to switch states then the two states involved would not be degenerate versions of a single state. Electrons can have a bimodal existence. Orbital stressing, high electron fugacity, thermal contraction, etc., though involving energy to create static conditions conducive to deflated state existence, merely increase the probability of the degenerate state, which in itself requires no incremental energy over the normal state. The conditions don't actually directly create the deflated state itself, but simply make it more probable, increase its co- probability vs that of the normal state. The two probabilities are complimentary, add to one.

The wavefunction of the degenerate deflated state can be viewed as part of that of the entire atom. It can alternatively be viewed as the momentarily collapsed form of the electron wavefunction upon the nucleus. I am not even sure there is a physically interpretable wavefunction for the small deflated state during the tunneling event, since (and though) it is possible to see that event as a brief wavefunction collapse event itself. The deflated state itself, could be viewed as a wavefunction collapsed state, and the jumping back to the large atomic state could then be viewed as a wavefunction reconstruction, "quantum wavefunction resurrection". I think there may be some evidence quantum wavefunction resurrection, when the wavefunction can be viewed purely as a potentiality, can occur instantaneously, especially when entanglement is involved. See:


This is a matter of interpretation, not of any critical importance to LENR. If there is no physical interpretation possible of the deflated state, then fusion itself can be interpreted as a three body wavefunction collapse. Deterministic computations provide adequate results for various QM situations, such as description of NMR radiation in terms of nucleus precession, but the actual quantum reality is itself very different, as are the QM computations. For this reason, and the fact QM description of two mutually rotating highly relativistic bodies is not presently possible, determinist but relativistic computations were made of states wherein the de Broglie wavelengths of the electron and nucleating particle do not substantially overlap. The feasibility of such states indicates that when QM computation means are available, they will likely show such states to be Rydberg like, with quantum fuzziness unimportant to the state.


Assume the kinetic energy of a specific electron in the deflated state is momentarily around 1 MeV, thus the potential energy in that case is about -1 MeV. Upon fusion with Ni, the kinetic energy in that case remains initially at 1 MeV, but, due to the suddenly present 28 extra Ni nucleus charges, the potential energy is reduced to -29 Mev, and the net potential plus kinetic energy is reduced by 28 MeV. The potential energy gained by the proton approach to the nucleus is actually present, but for exogenous thermodynamic purposes lost due to the interaction of the strong force. This loss of potential energy does not prevent electron capture of the now energetically trapped electron, if capture occurs very fast, because that electron initially has the kinetic energy necessary.


I think it is also true that nuclear heat may prolong the ability of the electron to both radiate and be captured. The nuclear heat to which I refer is provided by zero point energy, in a manner as described here:


in which I estimate the nuclear temperature for Ni to be 1.02 MeV. The energetically trapped electron thereby provides a method of capturing zero point energy.


The electron only expands its orbital outside the nucleus if a weak reaction does not quickly follow the strong reaction. This orbital expansion is driven by zero point energy, uncertainty energy. The proximity of the electron to the deflated state hydrogen nucleus, and its kinetic energy, prior to tunneling into a heavy nucleus, are for practical purposes random variables. The resulting associated values post tunneling are thus also random variables. The energy balance for individual LENR reactions are therefore also random variables. Energy does not appear to be conserved, because vacuum energy transactions are involved. Time of electron near the composite fused nucleus is a random variable, and one which, along with the other random variables, affects the branching ratios.

It seems clear that (1) the electron which catalyzes the hydrogen entry to the nucleus is necessarily trapped there in many cases, because there is not enough energy from the strong force reaction to expel it, (2) some heavy LENR reactions clearly do not involve weak reactions, and (3) the trapped electron can not remain in the nucleus, otherwise it would be indistinguishable chemically from the product of a follow-on weak reaction, and the mass of the nucleus would remain about 0.8 MeV too high. Experimental results thus indicate the trapped electron has an exit. The energy for that exit clearly can be provided by zero point energy, "uncertainty pressure", if you will, expanding the electron wavefunction, and its de Broglie wavelength.


The mass of the deflated hydrogen system does not remain constant, it increases as the electron distance from the nucleus decreases. The potential energy of the Coulomb field resides in the vacuum, carried by virtual particles, thus not with the leptons and quarks themselves. As two opposed charged particles approach, the field energy in the vacuum diminishes, but the mass of the particles increases due to the offsetting increased kinetic energy. Similar statements can be made regarding the fused nucleus. Taking this notion to the extreme, if two point particles can approach arbitrarily closely then their masses can increase to an arbitrarily large amount.

The electron is considered by some to be a point, by others to be a very very small string loop, as is the up quark. See for example:


Each field carrying particle is surrounded by vacuum energy which carries the field. The vacuum energy density u_e of an electric field E is given by:

   u_e = 0.5 e0 E^2

where e0 is the vacuum permittivity:

   e0 ~≈ 8.854187817 × 10^−12 F/m

If the vacuum can not store energy, then u = 0, and e0 = 0, and all capacitances regardless of size would be infinite, their potential and stored energy would be infinite, as would the force between charged plates. The force between any two charges:

   F = (1/(4 Pi e_0)) q1 * q2 / r^2

would be infinite. Fortunately this does not happen, thus the vacuum necessarily stores energy whenever an E field is present, i.e. when non-superimposed unlike charges are present.

Similar arguments for the vacuum storage of B field energy result from the well known magnetic vacuum field energy equation for field strength B:

   u_m = (1/mu0) B^2


   mu0 ~= 1.2566370614×10^−6 H/m

and the overall energy density for an EM field is thus:

  U = u_e = 1/2 (e0 E^2 + (1/mu0) B^2)

I have a theory, The Gravimagnetic Theory, that EM fields are carried by virtual photons, which have no gravitational mass. For an overview see pp 1-6 of:


This gravimagnetic theory conveniently explains why vacuum zero point energy does not crush a finite sized universe. It means that when the EM field energy stored in the vacuum is converted to charged particle energy, that mass/energy appears as the vacuum field energy disappears. It is also an indication that relativistic mass increase may not be equivalent to, result in, gravitational mass increase. This is not critical to deflation fusion theory, except that the implied link may provide some useful experiments.


The electric field intensity E around a charge q is given by

  E = k q / r^2

where k = 1/(4 Pi e0).

If location is chosen for maximum force, as is the case if spin orientation is for maximum force, then the magnetic dipole field is given by:

  B = (u0/(4*Pi)) * mu/r^3

As r--> 0, B-->inf, E-->inf, and the vacuum energy density U-->inf. The vacuum energy and thus mass/energy available to a small state electron-quark pair attraction is bounded only by the limits to the smallness of their size.

As the separation r decreases and velocity and gammas of the attracting particles increases, the percent of energy that goes to mass instead of kinetic energy increases. This extra relativistic mass is created from the vacuum field energy, which has no gravitational mass. Therefore there is an appearance that neither mass nor energy, nor mass/energy is conserved, unless vacuum resident field energy is taken into account, and that it has no gravitational mass. The apparent mass increase of the deflated state may be inertial mass only.

The consequence of all these vacuum energy considerations is that degenerate states may exist which have astronomical energies, gammas, and brief but only apparent binding energies, all while maintaining ground state net energy, and the ability to perform large energy transactions with the vacuum.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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