On Apr 12, 2011, at 8:59 AM, Mark Iverson wrote:

I don't think this was mentioned yet...
Apparently they have seen energetic particles of 100-300keV.
The following excerpt from one of the Ny Teknik Q&A sessions with Rossi...

"Peter Ekström: In the fusion of a proton with Ni-58 a substantial activity of Cu-59 is formed. Cu-59 decays with a half-life of 82 seconds by beta+ decay. In the Focardi and Rossi article it is stated that: "No radioactivity has been found also in the Nickel residual from the process". Considering the very high activity of Cu-59 that is produced, it is surprising that no activity is detected. Even ten half-lives after the end of a run the activity should be of the order of 1013 Bq, which is not only easily measurable (with a detector far away from the source) but also deadly for
everybody present in the room! (Could you explain?)

Rossi: No radioactivity has been found in the residual metals, it is true, but the day after the stop of the operation. In any case you are right, if 59-Cu is formed from 58-Ni we should have the couples of 511 keV at 180° and we never found them, while we found keV in the range of 100-300 keV. I think no 59Cu is produced, I suppose only stable Cu is produced from the transmutation of the isotopes 62Ni and 64Ni. I desume this from what we find after the operations. Your observation is


Hi Mark,

I feel certain that Rossi here is talking about gammas. The "couples 511 keV at 180°" are the positron-electron annihilation gammas.

It is of possible interest that Cu61 (half life 3.35 hours) can emit a 283 keV gamma, but also normally emits a 656 keV gamma.

I suppose it is possible a very small percentage of Cu61 could have be excited to a 283 keV isomeric state. There is so little to go on as to what happens when a de-energized nucleus is created. The lack of the normally seen 656 keV gamma might be explained by the high degree of de-energization. There is a substantial energy deficit associated with the reaction:

60Ni28 + p* --> 61Cu29 * + 4.801 MeV [-4.840 MeV]

It is also notable that Zn60 (half life 2,4 minutes) can emit gammas in that range, associated with electron capture:

58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Zn30 * + 8.538 MeV [-11.541 MeV] --> 60Ni28 + 2 neutrinos + ~7 MeV

It is important to keep in mind that the energy deficits are stochastic values, and could have trace occurrences out on the cusp.

The lack of positron emission is not at all surprising, at least not within the perspective of deflation fusion. Positron emission should be suppressed by a very short half life of electrons. It is a mystery to me as to why gamma emission could be so delayed.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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