This time next year - if a delayed Rossi demo has finally taken place by
then (amidst all of the predictable angst from the LENR continent). then .
in addition to the "me-too" group, who claim to be co-inventors, and the
other pretenders who come crawling out of the woodwork like Bob Park and his
pet simian 'Randi' . saying "told you so" . <g> . there will be a further
contingent of highly credentialed PhDs looking at past work, and slapping
themselves on their collective foreheads.

These Peter-Principled geniuses will be the "hydrogen storage" folks. They
had a huge missed opportunity. Lest I be misunderstood please realize this

Chemistry is fully conservative. 

However, that is not the end of story. Best I can tell, DoE and Universities
have sunk half a billion into hydrogen storage since the Arab Oil embargo 40
years ago - and without much real success. These experiments probably missed
something very important in the process, since they "knew" deep down in
their hearts at the start, that LENR was "pathological science" and all of
their background teaches that extra energy cannot be involved in low energy
processes, so why look for it ... !?!

The reversible process of storing and retrieving hydrogen from proton
conductors, at least from a few materials which are thought to be extremely
efficient anyway - is indeed overunity IF (big if) you can provide a way
(even an inadvertent way) to replenish the local zero point field via a
non-chemical process, when doing this load/unload process sequentially and

IOW the process seems to be at least 99% efficient with no extra effort -
and that is because it is really 120% when optimized via such a back door
route (to non-chemical gain). Essentially this is what the new Mills' BLP
paper boils down to, once you can muster the courage to read it several
times in order to be able to summarize what "Mills is really saying."

Once again: chemistry is fully conservative. 

We must always preface these remarks with that. Valence electron
manipulation can provide no long term gain via reversible chemistry. but .
catch-22, a hybrid process can provide gain at the expense of the zero point
field IF (big if) you provide any way (even an inadvertent way) to replenish
the local zero point field via a non-chemical process. Redundant ground
states may be one of the non-chemical ways to do it - and others ways, which
involve the nucleus or quark manipulation - are definitely in that category.

Is there an echo in here? 


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