Thanks for the explication. I was not aware that an electron could be
trapped like that, but as you say - everyone looks at the shadows on the
cave wall from a different perspective.

-----Original Message-----
From: Horace Heffner 

> How does a fast electron not produce gamma radiation?

Keep in mind the fast electron is trapped, it can not escape the  
nucleus. The electron is initially trapped in the composite  
nucleus.   When it is outside the nucleus it does not radiate,  
because spin flipping is required to get the spin for the photon. Its  
kinetic energy can be expected to be thermalized in the nucleus, with  
near light speed hops between hadrons.  The thermalization can be  
expected to extract kinetic energy from both the hadrons and the  
electron, via the cooling mechanism of photon emission.  Those hops  
involve spin flips and photon generation.   This process is similar  
to, but the exact reverse of, the process of electron "tile jumping"  
on graphine.  See: 

It is also similar to the quantum mechanism by which nuclei radiate  
in nuclear magnetic resonance applications. The electron and the  
particles it interacts with are massive, due to high gammas. The  
radiation energy available to the photon from this process are  
small.  Also, the  electron inside a nucleus is highly shielded, so  
much of the radiation results in nuclear heat, which is kept in  
balance by interaction of nuclear particles with the zero point  
field. It is notable the hydrogen nucleus, be it protium or  
deuterium, has significant kinetic energy in the pre-fusion deflated  
state as well - a kinetic energy nearly matching that of the  
electron, which has a similar mass due to a high gamma. In the case  
of Ni-P fusion, both the proton and electron contribute to the  
initial nuclear heat, but it is the interaction with the electron  
that causes the radiation.   This radiation comes in small  
incremental chunks of energy, not in large increments that result  
from nuclear isomer state changes.

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