
               I am convinced that the reversible chemistry is at the heart
of this phenomena, that the "reversing" force is ZPE and that once the
mechanism is refined there will not be a need  for six month replacement
charges or regeneration. My model is of our 3D reality collapsed down onto a
single axis perpendicular to a second axis representing a moving ether and
time where this second axis is populated with virtual particles that only
grow into physical proportions as they approach intersection with our
spatial axis. IMHO the rate of this intersection establishes our reference
for time and we are only aware of changes in this rate of intersection by
relative measure against other inertial frames that have a different rate of
intersection than our own. That is why I say the fractional hydrogen is
locally unaware of any deflated or fractional state because from it's own
perspective time and space are unchanged even if the walls of the cavity do
seem to have gotten further away. I think the normal "pressure" or
opposition of matter to this intersection rate reflects the properties we
see in the periodic chart but when we start using suppression geometry to
manipulate that pressure we are entering into what Puthoff termed "vacuum
engineering".  I believe we are finally witnessing the birth of this
science. I don't think we need to exchange mass for energy when we can
instead trade time for energy. By artificially amplifying the opposition
characteristics to this intersecting rate we can create environments that
act like reservoirs and water falls - effectively slowing the intersection
rate in one area while greatly increasing it elsewhere (the Casimir cavity
exterior vs interior). I think catalytic action already reflects this
concept and that reactants are unaware of their accelerated rate - from
their perspective the reactions are taking the normal amount of time.  To
get energy from this time dilation  however required building a trap that
opposes this pressure to accelerate. I believe this is what Rossi and others
are attempting to do, I think there are many methods to accomplish this once
the proper environment is provided, including direct to nuclear reactions
but I am more inclined to think that reversible chemistry represents a more
favorable interim "runaway" step which initiates the nuclear reactions by
creating extremely deflated atoms and molecules. We are even familiar with
the key ingredient to this process called catalytic disassociation which
tears molecules apart prior to their threshold temperature. When catalytic
forces are amplified by Casimir geometry the threshold temperature for
disassociation of gases inside this geometry can be much lower than normal.
The disassociated fractional atoms quickly reform a new fractional molecule
that reflects their very local geometry/ "intersection rate" and give off
energy to the cavity and then waits for gas law to push them into a zone
with a different intersection rate which will initiate yet another cycle
where each cycle is releasing energy and accelerating the process to runaway
such as the Mill's powder confirmed by Rowan University. But Rossi and Mills
are both looking to build a control loop that switches the runaway reaction
on and off such that once the thermal mass is close to disassociation
threshold that just a short current pulse to the resistive heater can kick
it into runaway while the cooling loop is steadily extracting heat that
brings it out of runaway before the next pulse by adjusting the PRF. Instead
of a onetime conservative disassociation by resistive heating this scheme
represents a Heisenberg trap that can keep disassociating the same hydrogen
over and over again powered by the random motion required of gas, which
itself is based on HUP.



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