Piantelii said that he used N to stop a run away meltdown before he found
that D2 would stop the reaction on HIS system.

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Okay. I think I should just delete the statement about N:
>> Why?  That ain't no H2 tank in the Jan demo image.
> Who knows what it's doing there. Maybe they use it to purge the cell or
> clean out the tubes.
> The thing is, he says that was a misunderstanding and he never asserted
> that N is used to quench the reaction. I don't recall where I heard that.
> Looking around I see no record that Rossi said it. I looked in the SL and
> did not see it. So I say let's take him at his word on this. This is a minor
> issue. The contradictory statements about Ni isotope enrichment 
> *are*important, and I would not propose removing them.
> If we find an earlier statement from him saying he used N, I suppose we can
> leave it in, and put in another statement next to it, with the label
> If someone else said they use N, I guess that person was misinformed. No
> big deal.
> I'll bet N would work! They should try it.
> - Jed

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