I am a systems engineer who has spent his career reverse engineering legacy
systems where no documentation or human expertise exists.

I have development an interest in cold fusion and am learning its ground
rules. I have come to this site to learn from the experts... the best

If I pursue wrong paths, I do not mean to offend, however, if my learning
process offends  too grievously, I will leave this site. So let me know is I
am too much for you to bear in your response.

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>  Wow. I can see that science is a completely new field for you.
> Your take on this paper is bizarre and so removed from reality that I have
> to ask – what is your real profession?
> This report is about magic numbers, which are tendencies. There is
> absolutely nothing in this that supports this brain-dead idea of uniformity
> in isotopes in cosmology. Sure, there are tendencies but they as so weak
> that order-of-magnitude differences are the norm – not the exception.
> Geeze … we used to be able to have intelligent discussions here.
> Jones
> *From:* Axil
> Here is the theory that you are rejecting laid out in detail from Miley
> http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/STAFF/VISITING_FELLOWS&PROFESSORS/pdf/MagicQuarkTucson1.pdf
> "*Boltzmann Equilibrium of Endothermic Heavy Nuclear Synthesis in the
> Universe and a Quark Relation to the Magic Numbers *"
> It is not Axil's theory, but one produced by Mille that I think most fits
> the facts.
> On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> Fran,
> Ø  Harry, I think it is more a matter of proving how the Casimir
> environment is equivalent to the stellar environment.
> Which stellar environment?

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