From: Jed Rothwell 



*  In real life, this scenario cannot be squared with the fact that tests at
U. Bologna are continuing, and units will probably be delivered to
universities in Sweden. 


That is why we have NDAs, and you can bet your bottom dollar that everyone
involved have signed them.


*  Obviously, any tricks would be revealed by these tests.


Not at all. When the Swedish Professors find and document a robust COP of 4
instead of 30 they will be thrilled beyond words ! The prior test will be
written off as measurement error.


If these Professors can then deduce and tell Rossi how it is happening, he
will be thrilled. You and I will not hear a word from them nor anything of
value until October at the earliest. NDA in action.


If some trick Rossi used is actually exposed before then, you will probably
hear of it from Piantelli by way of Krivit's newsletter. This is actually a
fair bet to happen before October, come to think of it.



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