From: Jed Rothwell 


Jones made another statement about this which I cannot understand:

"It [the Rossi cell] will not work reliably without constant heat removal.  

Therefore, power input related to the proper operation must be included as


JR: No cell can work without constant heat removal. Any cell will overheat
and explode, even a blank cell being run for comparison. All calorimeter
types except bomb calorimeters depend on constant heat removal to measure

JR: The power input related to the proper operation cannot be measured with
flow calorimetry, and even if it could, it would be many orders of magnitude
too small to be detected by these methods.


No one is suggesting that you measure this input by via flow calorimetry.
Aren't you conflating two issues?

You put a kill-a-watt meter on the pump, but you MUST include its power as
P-in, just as you must include the electrical power to the resistive heaters
as P-in. You add the two along with any other power input which is

The calorimetry is a different issue which determines P-out.

The is no question but that ALL required input power MUST be included as





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