
Without patent protection, disclosure will only help potential competitors
and no one would invest anything. He won't supply any of these devices to
anyone until there is a Notice of Allowance at patent office.

Also, if it is determined to be a nuclear process, government regulators
would make themselves involved, and it could well take the entire length of
any patent protection before NRC (or international equivalent) licenses to
use the technology are granted. Especially after the recent events in Japan.

His only option to make money is to sell as many large water heaters as he
can as quickly as he can, and keep them serviced with sealed replacement
reactors. To make electricity will involve pressurized boiling water or high
temp heat transfer fluids, and I doubt that is on his agenda, even if the
COP were high enough.

I predict this is real but will be delayed for many years by regulators
before it makes any electricity.
Jay Caplan

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jed Rothwell" <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Uppsala experiment April 21 ? -- Seems NOT

> Alan J Fletcher wrote:
> > It might just mean that K&E are going to Bologna to do the "very soon"
> > test.
> >
> > > Anyway: you will have very soon a report about the same test
> > repeated, with the flow controlled in an “idiot-proof” system…you’ll
> > see, stay in touch.
> I sure hope so.
> I do not understand why he is making that 1 MW reactor, but I wish the
> thought had never crossed his mind. He could convince the whole world
> and get a billion dollars in investment capital with what he has now, if
> he would only give a few of these things to universities and
> corporations under NDA.
> - Jed

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